Air Duct Services
For Service call us at (800) 613-9145

Air Duct Services We Can Help You With:
We are your go-to solution for air duct cleaning, repairs, and replacement. Our team of professionals offer a range of services for both residential and commercial air duct needs.
Air Duct Cleaning
Years of buildup mean that you aren’t getting the most out of your HVAC or heating systems, and you could be wasting countless dollars from the blockage. Dust, small objects, and more can get into the ducts, and it’s tough to get it all out on your own. That’s where LA Duct Cleaning comes in. We offer thorough duct cleaning services that can remove a blockage in your ducts to maximize airflow, letting you get the most out of your air conditioning and heating.Air Duct Replacement
Whether you’ve moved into an older building or you’ve recently seen damage to your air duct system, we offer replacement services to make sure that you’ll be able to enjoy your air conditioning and heating. We offer a hands-on approach to air duct replacement, working with you to determine what system is best for your needs, and providing professional installation so that you don’t have to worry about it.Air Duct Sanitizing
Having an unsanitized air duct means you’ll be inhaling all sorts of particles that can make the air in your building unsafe to breathe. That’s why it’s so important to have clean, breathable air ducts. Our expert team will make sure that your air ducts are fully sanitized, ensuring that you won’t have to worry about any dust or harmful particles from your ducts. By choosing LA Duct Cleaning, you’re choosing cleaner, safer air.HVAC System and Air Duct Mold Remediation
Mold grows where there is moisture and the temperature is warm and air ducts and HVAC's have both. Any water leaks in the system can begin the mold growth process. Often times, mold is visible to the eye but when mold is not visible, you will smell it before you see it. Wet smells, dirty sock smell, dirty laundry smell all are signs you may have mold in your system. Our training and proper equipment will clean out the mold and will correct the mold growth inhibitor to prevent the mold from coming back. Call us to schedule a mold remediation inspection.Contact Us
+1 (800) 613-9145
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